Monday, January 09, 2006

How to Sell your House FAST!

How you'd love to sell your house FAST and in QUICK TIME! It's possible and it's all in your hands. Of course, the speed at which you're able to sell your home is also dependent on market conditions in your area and the supply and demand situation. Leaving that factor aside, the rest of it depends on how you go about marketing your house for sale.

When you're selling your house, you got to remember that you're selling a product, and the product has to be competitive with other similiar products - offering more, if not the same, features at a better price. You can choose to go about selling your home through an agent or on your own. The benefit of selling on your own is obvious, more money in your hands once the deal's through. On the other hand, going through an agent can save you plenty of time albeit at an expense. The decision has to be yours and everyone has their choice of which way to go. Nevertheless, here we're going to focus on what YOU can do WHETHER it's selling your home on your own or through an agent.

  1. Make sure the home's presentable to show: Now, you should know this one. If you and your neighbor had similiar-looking homes with similar layouts and a common buyer visited both homes, which one do you think he'd take if both were priced the same? The one he got better vibes from, the one he felt more at home with, which means the one which was more appealing from the interiors and more neatly arranged. You cannot afford to be lazy where cleaning and arranging your home is concerned. Your home should be in a presentable, if not attractive, condition for EVERY SINGLE BUYER that visits your home. You never know which one it turns out to be.
  2. Price: You cannot think of a price just because that's what you want. If you want to sell your home, you have to make sure it's a price which is in line with the market. The most common reason for most homes not selling is the price. It's quite obvious, of course. Buying a home is one of the few more expensive investments one makes in their lifetime and no one's going to pay you extra for nothing. As long as you price your home in line with market expectations, then only can you expect a QUICK SALE!
  3. Marketing your house: You've got to advertise your home on the internet. There are plenty of websites where you can advertise your home. Look around and you'll find some great sites which can get you the right buyer at minimum cost.

These are only a few points, but some of the more important ones which you'd need to keep in mind when selling your house. I'd also like to add one more, 'Negotiating'. Don't let your house deal fall through because of small items being negotiated for. In fact, you should already have prepared a list in your mind of the items you're willing to let go off to push for a QUICK SALE.

Follow through on all points and am sure you'll have a quick home sale.

FSBO Selling the Wrong Way!

Everyone wants to save on real estate commissions these days and thus you see the high number of FSBO's springing up in the market. With real estate commissions threatening to take away much of a homeowner's profit, it only makes it more tempting to go the FSBO way.

It's alright to go the FSBO way if you do it the right way. Here are some common reasons why FSBO Homeowners fail to sell their homes and eventually have to resort going to a real estate agent:
  1. Out-pricing yourself: It's understandable that your price takes into consideration the fact that a buyer's going to negotiate and also that your home has better quality interiors to show off than others in the area, but still you can't afford to over-price your home. Home buyers buy on budgets. You'd be limiting a lot of your prospective buyers by pricing your home out of the market. Look at what similar homes are being priced at, price your home at a similar level. You're saving on the commissions, so you can afford to be not too greedy with the price and sacrifice some of it for a quick and easy sale.
  2. Petty and Foolish Negotiations: Here's another reason why most FSBO sales fall through. The buyer requests for the dining table to be included in the sale and the seller refuses, only to realize later that it'd cost him quite a bit just to transport the same to his new home and he'd have been better off selling it off with the house albeit at a slightly higher price. Sometimes you've got to look at the larger picture and take all factors into consideration when negotiating your house deal.
  3. Improper Marketing: A lot of homeowners don't bother doing enough advertising for their home to attract enough potential buyers. The internet is one medium which no homeowner can afford to ignore when considering the advertising of their home. There are plenty of websites out there which advertise homes at very reasonable rates. One of the more popular and hugely successful FSBO websites is, which has helped homeowners sell their homes without an agent in less than 90 days.
  4. Untidy presentation: Your house needs to be neat and presentable when a buyer comes to visit your home. Your home is a product and it needs to be presented in it's best state for a buyer to consider buying it. You have to attract the attention of the buyer and make him want your home. Many FSBO homeowners just feel too lazy cleaning up their homes for a good viewing to potential buyers.

If you're looking to sell your home the FSBO way, make sure you avoid making these common mistakes. Best of luck and wish you a successful home sale!